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Empower Your Journey: Embrace Positive Transformation

Individual Therapy Sessions Tailored to Your Needs

Unlock Emotional Freedom

Engaging in our one-on-one sessions, you will find the keys to emotional freedom. 


You'll gain tools and techniques to navigate challenging emotions, enabling a lighter, more resilient state of being.

Embrace Personal Growth

Working closely with our dedicated therapists, you’ll come to understand the roots of your challenges and begin to view them as stepping stones to personal growth. Fostering self-compassion and empowering you to heal.

Cultivate Deep Connections

Enhance your connections outside therapy.


Discover how to build trust, express emotions openly, and cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships with your loved ones.


A personalized approach to therapy

You've fought hard against anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. 


On your journey of self-improvement, the freedom and joy you hope for aren’t yet fully within your grasp, but they are closer than you think.


Your unique story and path that addresses your struggles deserve a personalized approach to healing. 


This is precisely where our one-on-one therapy sessions come in.

Art Therapy For Healing

Imagine waking up each day, not dreading the symptoms you've been battling but anticipating the joy and love you're capable of feeling. 


Imagine having a toolset to help you handle life's challenges, giving you the freedom to live fully, confidently, and authentically. 


This is the transformation our one-on-one therapy sessions aim to provide.

Individualized Approach:

Your journey, struggles, and goals are unique. Our therapists understand this and use a blend of therapeutic approaches (including art therapy, somatic therapy, and trauma-informed counseling) to address your specific needs.


We don't just help you manage symptoms; we empower you to break free from negative patterns that inhibit your joy and equip you with the tools to stay free.

Comprehensive Care:

Our one-on-one sessions are 50 minutes long and may be covered by your insurance. So we have ample time to explore, address, and work through your challenges in a safe and supportive environment.

An Accepting, Inclusive Space For Everyone

Our therapy extends beyond symptom relief, aiming to enrich your ability to savor life.

We encourage curiosity about the origins of your symptoms, promoting a self-compassionate path to healing.


We’re more than a therapy provider; we are an empathetic community standing by your side.


Acknowledging the influence of biases on traditional therapy, we're committed to creating an all-embracing, trauma-informed space, irrespective of one's background, gender, culture, or belief systems.

Navigating life changes
Parental stress
Screen addiction
Challenges of neurodiversity
Perinatal mental health
Postpartum depression

Unlocking Possibilities - The Therapies We Use To Heal

If you've found that traditional therapy sessions haven't met your needs, it may be time to try something new.


We use a combination of therapies that allow you to express yourself in ways that words can't. Many people find that they're able to make life-changing breakthroughs when they engage in art therapy sessions.

Three Steps to Heal, Grow And Thrive


Choose Your Therapist

Browse our team and services and select what resonates with you.


Book a Discovery Call

Discuss your journey, needs, and aspirations with your chosen therapist.


Start Your Journey

Begin your transformation through individual, group or workshop-based therapy sessions.

Start Your Journey

Choose Your Therapist

Charlie Davitt, LCPC


Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

I work with people experiencing screen addiction, anxiety and/or depression.

choose your therapist

How long are the sessions and other questions you may have

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